About Us
We are a family team consisting of myself, Pat Davis (Founder and CEO) of the Your Health Plan Man Team, Josh Davis my son, and Corey Tounzen my son-in-law.
- We often save our clients 30 to 50% or more on premiums.
- We have a combined insurance experience of over 25 years.
- We offer service during after and after plan enrollment.
- We design “personalized” plans that fit your needs.
- Our goal is 10 out of 10 on customer satisfaction.
- We have a unique approach and value your time.
- We are fully Independent Health Insurance Agents.
- We can write plans for any company we wish.
- We can also offer great rates on life insurance.
I (Pat Davis) Your Health Plan Man have been very happily married to my wife Marcia since 1980. She just recently retired from being an insurance agent and now helps me run our agency. We have 2 grown married children.
Josh is married and his wife is studying to be a psychologist.
Corey is married to our daughter and works full time with us. They have one son and we are proud grandparents!

Get insurance that provides valuable cpverage for your medical expenses.
Tax-free Retirement possible? Free consultation! I’ll show you how. Learn more
Choose a plan that provides security for your family. It can also provide a great tax-free income and long-term-care protection.
Your Health Plan Man Team is Endorsed by

Dave Elswick

Lori Cline

Steve Marston

Matt Murphy

Me on Dave Elswick Show
Our Different Approach to Health Insurance
- True pricing for services (known as price transparency)
- Powerful network that offers a discount off “chargemaster” bills.
- Insurance company pays a benefit to the client.

“Car Lot Madness”

A Dog Bite That Paid Dividends
“I was Bit by my neighbor’s dog. I went to Urgent Care. My bill was paid in full and I got 2 checks totaling almost $500.” I jokingly said I was going to bite my other hand and go back.

I’ve Referred So Many People
My family is on it, we recommend it to people at church. I often just end up in conversation with people who have no insurance or they are not happy with what they have. And I always say, “Well have you heard on the radio of Your Health Plan Man?” I have referred many people to them!

My Radio Show Guests
I’ve been doing talk radio now for about 37 years. I have had Pat Davis and his team on my show multiple times. He is Your Health Plan Man. I would start with him. Real simple, Pat knows what he’s talking about. He gives my listeners the kind of information they need to save money. He cares for the people that he takes care of.

Colonoscopy Cash
I had a colonoscopy. They found a polyp. My bill was paid in full and I received a check for over $3100. My friend was envious as she paid out of her pocket for the same exact thing. She got the same policy as me the next week.

I Don’t Understand This But I Love It!
I got my first check of many! Still have no idea how this works. Smiley face and copy of a $188 check for surgey with bill paid in full first.

Our Personal Testimony as Agent/Clients
Under Obamacare our premium started out at less than $3,000/year. It went to $28,000 in 2019. We made our plan switch and thank God we did! After the dust cleared at the end of 2019, we had no out of pocket including our deductible. And that was for my hospital stay of 4 nights, emergency room, both of us at urgent care, a battery of tests, many office visits and a colonoscopy. If we had our previous Obamacare plan, we would have paid over $15,000 out of pocket in 2019. Plus our $28,000 in premiums. Why because our company pays us/you instead of countless middlemen! As clients we/you pocket that money instead.

I’ve Been Telling Everyone!
I’ve been telling everyone how great it was considering how insurance worked in the past. I paid $0 at the doctor and $72 for 3 meds. I received a check for $152. Definitely came out ahead!

Specialist Visit Experience Like No Other
My wife went to a specialist and after about a little over a week we received a check for $100. Bill paid in full – no money out of our pocket. I tell everyone about my plan experience!

People Just Don’t Do What Your Health Plan Man Does.
These days people just don’t do the little things that you do for me and your other customers. It seems to be too much. But thank you for all you’ve done for me, the extra.

Surprise Mail From the Insurance Company
I saw my doctor for an earache. I just showed my card, no copay. I received mail from my insurance company. Sure that it was a bill, to my surprise – a check for $110 with my bill paid in full.

Why are your Medical Prices so low?
Keith Smith of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City is asked this question frequently. “The real question should be why are everyone else’s prices so high, says Keith?” […]
Health Insurance Does Not Equal Healthcare and Vice Versa
We constantly hear about healthcare in our country and health insurance used interchangeably. That is not accurate. Health insurance is not healthcare and healthcare is not health insurance […]
Another Definition of Insanity
Einstein is attributed with the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. I can’t argue with that. I used to sort of […]
Paying Too Much or Too Little?
Many people pay way too much for health insurance. Others pay too little. If you are paying a mortgage payment for your insurance, you are either paying too much or you […]
Ask Yourself Why
Why do I still have the insurance I do if there are so much better options available to me? Why have I not called Pat’s team to see what they can do for […]
It Should Anger You! FakeNews!
We hear a lot today about “fake news.” One thing that is fake that should infuriate you is the way medical services are billed. Why does a hospital bill get hyper inflated and […]
Air Scam-bulance
One area of healthcare that is full of abuse is the use of air ambulances. Of course, not all are included in this, but the vast majority of them are. If fact, 80% of air ambulance usage is for “non-emergency”