Why are your Medical Prices so low?

Keith Smith of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City is asked this question…

Keith Smith of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City is asked this question frequently. “The real question should be why are everyone else’s prices so high, says Keith?” That is what more and more smart Americans are asking as they receive their healthcare. Why does a hospital charge $95,000 for a pacemaker and another provider $9,000? How about a $40,000 snake bite venom that cost the hospital $200? I can go on and on. In the contact section please email me and I will send you a copy of my bill so you can see how it looks in real scenarios when you have my insurance instead of the broken, outrageous major medical system. With my old plan under Obamacare, I would have paid this entire bill out of my pocket. Why? Because it would have all gone toward my deductible. So, if you are tired of being taken advantage of and willing to do something about it, call me. Hopefully, more of you will learn how great it is to ask why everyone else’s prices are so high.

